Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 13th. Elementary School will dismiss at 2:10, and middle school & high school will dismiss at 2:20. Conferences will be from 2:30 - 7:00 pm.
There will not be school on Friday, February 14th.
There will be school on Monday, February 17th. This was originally scheduled off for Presidents Day; however, we will have school to make up time for days off due to inclement weather.

There will be a pop ice fundraiser on Friday, September 6th. $1.00 each.

HS - Each year students have to "check out" in the office before leaving campus for the final time. It is a check sheet of items (Locker cleaned, Calculator, Chromebook, Charger, Library books, Textbooks, Lunch Fees, and/or Uniforms) etc. IF your student qualifies for exemptions, they MUST have "checked out" thru the office & library. Students, Mrs. Davis & Mrs. Maybee ALL sign the form for proof of items returned.

Golf Meeting for whose who want to play next year

2024 Softball Schedule

2024 Baseball Schedule

In the Archery State Tournament held at Hot Springs, the elementary team placed 10th with their best score of the year, and middle school placed 8th. The high school team came in 4th; Jacob Roberts placed 4th in individual boys, and Logan Wilkinson placed 5th! Congratulations to all!

It certainly wasn’t pretty, but it was a win! The Bergman Panthers will make the trip to Hot Springs for the second year in row in pursuit of the state championship! Congratulations!!

After a hard-fought battle against a strong Mayflower Lady Eagles team, the Bergman Lady Panthers came out victorious. They got their ticket to the 3-A State Finals. They will play at noon on March 7th in Hot Springs.

The Bergman Panthers are headed to the Final Four!

The Bergman Lady Panthers are headed to the Final Four!

Bergman Schools will not be in session on Friday, March 1st, 2024.

The Bergman Panthers defeated the Booneville Bearcats 80-49 and are Regional Champions!

Regional Champions!

The Bergman Lady Panthers defeated the Valley Springs Lady Tigers 45-39 and are Regional Champions!

The Bergman Panthers advance to the Regional Finals with a win over the Hackett Hornets.

The Bergman Lady Panthers advance to the Regional Finals with a win over the Elkins Lady Elks.

The Bergman Lady Panthers defeated the Cossatot River Lady Eagles 63-17 in Regional Tournament action

The Bergman Panthers defeated the Charleston Tigers 55-29 in Regional tournament action.

Bergman will be in session at the regular time tomorrow, February 13th. Buses will run normal routes.