

Bus # 37 (Bear) Ronnie Villines

  1. 7:15 Main Street Bergman only.  


Bus # 44 (Beaver) Matt Johnson

  1. Turn around stop at Cotton Wood Fire Station @ 7:15 a.m. 

  2. ACU


BUS # 42 (Armadillo) Rick Anderson

  1. Transfer Point at Skate Mania @ 7:30 a.m.  This is the ONLY bus that will pick up and drop off to Skate Mania.


Bus # 31 (Horse) Jean Griffitt

  1. Cottonwood and Iron Stob Chapel @ 7:10

  2. Cottonwood/Merritt @7:20

  3. Big Oak Rd @7:25


Bus # 30 (Hound Dog) Bobby Mills

  1. No Tar Kiln, Moark, or New Testament Church pick-up unless pavement is clear.  If pavement is clear and dirt roads are not, pick-up will be at Tar Kiln, Moark, & New Testament @ approximately 7:30 a.m.


Bus # 36 (Kangaroo) Sara Green

Two pick-up points on Highway 7.

  1. Wesleyan Church parking lot located at the junction of Sansing Hollow Rd and Highway 7 @ 7:15 a.m. if school is at regular time.

  2. Living Waters Church (Former Ozark Baptist) located at the junction of Blevins Rd and Highway 7 @ 7:30 if school is at regular time.

  3. Does NOT pick up or drop off at Skate Mania when running snow routes.  #42 Armadillo is the only bus that will pick up and drop off during snow routes.


Bus # 28 (Kitty Cat) Gerald King

  1. Mill Hollow and Blackberry Lane will come to end at Blackberry @ 7 a.m.

  2. Salles Drive and Chestnut Lane will come to Wooded Hills Rd @ 7:05 a.m.

  3. Keener Lane come to Sansing Store @ 7:10 a.m.

  4. Dick Henry Lane will come to Highway at 7:15 a.m.

  5. Winding Hills Road riders will come out to Hwy 7 @ 7:15 a.m.


Bus #43 (Buffalo) Mike Tramell

  1. First Stop 7:10 a.m. Pick up transfer students @ the 1st fire station on Harmon by Shady Acres across from Cole Lane.  Back to school.  No side roads.


Bus # 35 (Panther) Jerry Smahay

  1.  Bus will go into Zinc between 7:10 a.m. and 7:20 a.m. and pick-up students at 4 way stop.  No side roads and directly back to school.


Bus # 33 (Butterfly) Jarrett Taylor

  1. Downs Rd and 281 @ 7:10 a.m.

  2. Junction of 281 & Rushing Ridge @ 7:12 a.m.

  3. Junction of Bill Hudson Rd and 281 @ 7:17 a.m.

  4. Oregon Flat Church @ 7:20 a.m./3:30 p.m.


Bus # 32 (Bee) John Edwards

  1. Cottonwood stops are the same.

  2. Navajo and Hopi stops meet at Cottonwood at 7:05 a.m.

  3. Baughman cutoff stops are the same.


Bus # 27 (Alligator) Mike Warren

  1. Stanley Rd 7:15 a.m. Faye Hodge Rd, White Oak Rd, Dees Rd, Levi Holt Rd will meet at Stanley Rd.

  2. Brand New Church 7:25 a.m. Wade Road will meet at church.

  3. Sansing Hollow Rd @ 7:30  Riders from Hathcoat Rd, Sansing Hollow Rd, Gooch Hollow Rd, Mulberry, May Apple, & White Oak Rd can meet the bus there.

  4. Will stop at Hwy 7 for subdivision (Breedlove, Mandy, Mindy)

  5. Norvel @ Hwy 7


Bus # 41 (Deer) Vince Stewart

  1. Elixir @ 7:15 and Devore Orchard Road (stops at road doesn’t leave highway).

  2. Highway 7 regular stops.

  3. Hawkeye Lane, Trail Drive, and Oakland Drive meet at the end of Hawkeye by Hwy 7.